Zatch Bell!

Minfei Mimirugu (Minfei Mimirug)

Minfei Mimirugu
English Incantation: Minfei Mimirug
Japanese Incantation: Minfei Mimirugu (ミンフェイ ミミルグ)
Meaning: Min- (ミン) = ???
-fei (フェイ) = Flight
Mimi- (ミミ) = Body Part Enhancing

-rugu (ルグ) = Body Alteration

Type: Assist Episode: 121
Chapter: 186 Video Game: N/A
Description: Minfei Mimirugu is one of Momon's spells. It causes Momon's ears to stretch and rotate his ears to fly like a helicopter using this spell. It is the first spell that Momon ever uses that he does not take advange of to look at Tia's panties. Instead, he used this spell to escape from Tio, whom he had made very angry by looking at her panties. Momon can use this spell with Kanchomé's Dima Buruku clones hanging on to his ears and launch them onto his opponents with the force of a Gigano class spell.
Momon's Other Spells: Amuron, Aguraruku, Ora Norojio, Mimiruo Mifanon, Fei Miuruku
